Are there mining pools that are more environmentally focused that people use to help off set harms of proof of work? Such as mining pools working exclusively with renewable energies.
My basic understanding is that while Moneros Random X algorithm makes things more environmentally friendly then other proof of work coins like Bitcoin, it is still considerably worse then proof of stake coins like Etherium.
Proof-of-stake protocols are much harder to make private and/or anonymous. Improving this is an area of active research:
achieving privacy in PoS based blockchains is more challenging. This is because in PoS, privacy not only needs to be ensured for transactions and identities but also for the leaders’ stakes. In particular, a PoS user (or stakeholder) needs to provide public verifiable proof of his leadership, which is verified based on his public key and stakes. Even if this proof is realized in a zero-knowledge manner, as in the PoW setting, the number of times an anonymous leader wins the election implies an approximation of his stakes.
I appreciate the info and will have to take the time to read through the research.
But its a bit beside the point (in terms of this topic) which is looking for more environmentally friendly ways (if at all possible) to mine Monero, accepting that it uses a form of pow for the foreseeable future.
I had read there were pools working exclusively with renewable energies which I would be interested in. Although I have not found much info about those pools.
I would also love to hear about how users here, who may mine Monero, deal with the environmental impacts in the real world or just philosophically.
Monero isn’t perfect, and it does consumme a lot of electricty. But unlike BTC, it favors small computers and has protections against mega clusters with superpowerful GPUs. As I understand, a standard CPU vs a mega GPU don’t have that much difference in monero mining.
You will also want to check where is monero mostly mained, this would give you an idea of it’s footprint.