How to check for browser telemetry?

Is there quick and easy way to check for telemetry or ping servers

Also has anyone tested

This has redflag written all over it.

MSFT Edge user and a new account here. Are you trolling?

No im not that my name because i use microsoft edge

In the privacy community, that’s a huge red flag.

Why do you use Edge?

Im just testing if there are any way to harded edge this isn’t my main email account anyway

That browser is cancerous. If you care about privacy, please Firefox or Brave with uBO installed.

I got nothing more to add to this thread.

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That’s why asking for ways to check browser telemetry to see if my tweaks work

Try Wireshark. That should help.

Ok i will look it up thx

Or even Portmaster. They both are network monitoring tools to check for domains apps connect to.

Hmm i see i will look around

This is the connection it makes when i open it inprivate

This is with nirsoft btw

Half of those would just be the new tab page if you haven’t disabled it already, but you would need to do a bit more than just look at what connections are being made to properly determine the telemetry, which is why wireshark was recommended


You can find MS Edge endpoints here


For work… right?

You do use other browsers at home, right?

Apple has been caught surreptitious sending packets outside of a system wide VPN with killswitch. What makes you think MS will only send the telemetry via the browser?

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Oh i see


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