Forum Traffic Stats & Community Appreciation

I just want to say, as of a few weeks ago this forum officially gets more traffic than itself. Especially from search engines, where we now get 50% more clicks/views here compared to the main site.

I think this is awesome. We are building what I think is the most informative and friendly place for people to learn about the importance of privacy and how to protect their data from attackers, trackers, and surveillance programs. We’ve built the best place to learn about new privacy tools and news, and many developers of these tools are already here taking feedback from our community and sharing awesome stuff they’re working on with us.

This is the finest privacy rights community on the internet, and everyone here who has made that happen is wonderful :heart:


Not surprising, most people search with questions and the questions are answered at … well :slight_smile:

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Indeed, I’m just happy the system is working as intended.

Lots of people thought it was impossible to gain what we had at Reddit outside of Reddit, and I think we’ve proven that wrong. There never was a need for those privacy invasive walled gardens :slightly_smiling_face:


you deserve to be proud of that <3

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Well to be fair, we’re probably getting some help from Reddit with their continuous attempts to alienate their userbase :slight_smile:

Anyway, well done team! And thanks! :saluting_face:


I’ve been a part of several forums in my time, and it’s hands down some of the better ways I’ve interacted with a community on the internet. It’s focused, asynchronous, and importantly searchable for the public. Chat rooms are great for quick responses and fun, but history is just lost sadly.


well done johan we are proud of piracyguides :heart:



We never condone the piracy :laughing:

The fact that many people don’t realize the difference :skull:

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They are probably a piracy gamer too :stuck_out_tongue:

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Specifically, whale bait :whale:

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