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Short description
An open-source menstrual cycle tracking app that keeps your data stored on your phone. You can use it to monitor your menstrual cycle and/or for fertility awareness.
Why I think this tool should be added
They claim they are open source, the data entered stays with that person/on their device and they claim they are science-based since we implemented the sympto-thermal method.
Generally would be also nice to adda also a “Health services” category in the recommendation section. I think there are many other services out there.
Currently, we are considering a new “Health and Wellness” section in our recommendations. I was looking through past suggestions and realized that your post was overlooked. Shame that it didn’t get enough traction last year despite its importance!
I also want to add a few points:
Drip is the only FOSS period tracker app available on both Android and Apple devices, especially on FDroid. Additionally, the APK itself is hosted on the website if needed.
The developers received funding from several nonprofit organizations, including Mozilla.
The UI Design is quite clean. I downloaded Drip and was pleasantly surprised at its simplicity.