Drip (menstrual cycle tracking app)

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Short description

An open-source menstrual cycle tracking app that keeps your data stored on your phone. You can use it to monitor your menstrual cycle and/or for fertility awareness.

Why I think this tool should be added

They claim they are open source, the data entered stays with that person/on their device and they claim they are science-based since we implemented the sympto-thermal method.

Generally would be also nice to adda also a “Health services” category in the recommendation section. I think there are many other services out there.

Section on Privacy Guides

Health Services


Currently, we are considering a new “Health and Wellness” section in our recommendations. I was looking through past suggestions and realized that your post was overlooked. Shame that it didn’t get enough traction last year despite its importance!

I also want to add a few points:

  • Drip is the only FOSS period tracker app available on both Android and Apple devices, especially on FDroid. Additionally, the APK itself is hosted on the website if needed.
  • The developers received funding from several nonprofit organizations, including Mozilla.
  • The UI Design is quite clean. I downloaded Drip and was pleasantly surprised at its simplicity.

Great to see this be approved! I don’t see health tracking talked about often in the privacy community despite how important it is


Thank you for noticing my post and for your answer! I would be happy to see Drip in the new section “Health and Wellness”.