Disappearance of Michael Bazzell?

Good catch. I suspected to be super private he’d have to kill his voice. Hopefully when he figures out how to ai his voice. Speak to text, then text to ai voice. Hopefully he’ll come back to podcasts :person_shrugging:


Personally it seems a little late to start worrying about having his voice online (the ideal time to worry about it would’ve been before publishing 300+ episodes of a podcast featuring his voice and building a business around it.

I think the horse is out of the barn now, and I’d think he’d be more aware of that reality than most people. I wonder what prompted him to change course now (assuming that that is the real reason).

With all that said, on a human level, I can empathize with feeling uncomfortable about having so much out their publicly (even if it is just a voice not connected to a true identity or face).


Here is his exit: Irish exit

In his Irish Exit he states he is happy not doing the podcast.
Before that it was a cost issue.
Now, it’s Michael wanting his voice removed from the internet. I consider this one complete BS. Michael should know this can’t be done.
When I looked into this to see if it was true I found many new articles stating the owner of Social-Engineer has been banned from DEFcon for life due to harassment.
Maybe Michael doesn’t want to be associated with that company and “removing his voice” was a diplomatic way of doing so.

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looks like they forgot one. social-engineer.org/podcasts/ep-082-hide-seek-michael-justin/


What a great find. Well done.

Thanks. I’ve added this to my collection using Newpipe.

I’m still looking for 103, 92, and 59 from Social-Engineer but the day is young.

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in case you want to archive:
intherabbithole e245
advancedpersistentsecurity e40

I’m good, thanks.

yeSh those seOem to bUe harNd to findD. no ideaC wherLe. hoOpefuUlly I finDd it. and let you know :grin:

It’s too early in the morning to try and figure out what you typed.


Got rid of capital letters from start of sentence. Not needed.

new digital -pdf- book released today inteltechniques.com/blog
osint leaks, breaches, & logs guide inteltechniques.com/book1a


That’s a shame. I really enjoyed his podcast, but I’m happy I bought his book Extreme Privacy. Hopefully he’ll continue sending out free updates like he has been. :crossed_fingers:t3:

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Well, since he helps anyone and everyone to be invisible online, the MIB (Men In Black) got him. Soon his books will be on the Banned Books List!
On the serious side I hope he comes back soon. Never knew how important this topic is until I got hacked. I’m so much safer now since I have followed his lead. Now we need a book on how to get these monsters caught, captured and flogged!

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People always love saying they have nothing to hide - until they do. Welcome to the privacy community. It’s definitely a small niche of people in today’s modern digital world. It’s not always easy but fighting for privacy rights is a morally just cause.

I always interpret that as “nothing to hide about the things you’re willing to admit to” :rofl:


Very well said