Could Simplelogin also provide .edu aliases for .edu emails?

From what I can tell, .edu emails are highly regulated with them being issues to only educational institutions, which Simplelogin is not. However, could it be possible for Simplelogin to make a feature where they provide .edu aliases but only if its being forwarded to a verified .edu email? This would be nice for students that want email privacy while still sharing school emails, especially for student discounts on various sites.

SimpleLogin cannot register a .edu domain because Educause is the exclusive registrar for .edu domains and enforces strict eligibility requirements.

One of these requirements is that institutions must hold accreditation from a recognized accrediting body approved by the U.S. Department of Education. SimpleLogin does not meet these criteria and will not be able to in the future.


No, since they aren’t a “United States–affiliated institution of higher education.”

You can just add your own domain to simplelogin? Or am i missing something?
If you have an .edu domain you surely can just use it with simplelogin.

Highly unlikely op got control of an .edu domain since as per few other mentions already, they’re highly regulated by the us government. While op mentioned edu email they probably really meant email address on the .edu domain, not the domain itself.

Okay on that case just pick any other TLD? I mean why would you want this specifically?

You can generally only add addresses of domains you own.


Read the original post. Many sites require a student email for student discounts, etc.

Well i guess there is reasons that one cannot create multiple student emails… if that is used for discounts. Smells shady.


That makes no sense, the owner of the domain (i.e. the educational institution) controls how many email addresses they make, not the websites that accept edu addresses as proof of being a student.

I’d imagine a school would have to offer their own self-hosted SimpleLogin instance to their students as a perk or something, if this were ever to be a thing.


@jonah And this is exactly how it was set-up on my uni back when I was studying there. It was accessible for IT faculty only and we used it in various labs.