Brave Talk and Jitsi Feed User Data to Oracle

Oracle is a data broker that is poised to spread the implementation of a Chinese-style digital prison

As more and more people become aware of data trafficking by Big Tech companies, they have been turning to services and providers that promise them they are protecting their personal information. Millions of people trust what the Brave platform offers them: private browsing and communication, without observers - and certainly without the danger of their personal data being packaged or sold.

But it turns out this could be a case of false advertising…


Ive never had 100% trust in Brave.


This is a duplicate ofBrave Talk/Jitsi Meet feeds user data to Oracle?

Same OP , they opened a new post.

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This doesn’t seem like a trustworthy source to me at all.


This should be trend topic :slight_smile:

This is the post by the same person and the same first part of the post I reported for misinformation and dangerous advice last week or so which you took down.

So yes - not trustworthy indeed!

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