Apple Mail no longer meets minimum criteria

GPG Suite doesn’t work on macOS Sonoma: GPG Suite

Therefore, unless you’re on an older version of MacOS, it’s not possible to support OpenGPG in Apple Mail, which is one of the minimum criteria here: Email Clients - Privacy Guides

As of now, some functionality is still missing, but we are working closely with Apple to have that added in future releases of macOS

Seems like there’s a chance this is only temporary, but until it’s resolved I feel like there should probably be a note about this on the email client page at the very least


Monterey and Ventura are still getting security updates and are mostly fine to use. Apple Mail + GPG users are probably completely fine, unless they bought a new M3 machine.

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I switched to Thunderbird for this exact reason which is really a shame because Apple Mail has a much better interface.

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This happens all the time with 3rd party software and new releases of MacOS. Honestly, it might be a good idea to warn about the risk of new major versions of MacOS breaking support anywhere PG recommends 3rd party software for MacOS.

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