Android Firefox trade off

This isn’t meant to start the whole *recommend FF" discussion again.

It’s a simple question: does having XSS protection and the ability to block 3rd party iframes (via NoScript and uBO) not (partially) make up for not having isolation?

I know proper site isolation is probably the most important thing in a browser, but it actually bugs me while using Brave/Vanadium that don’t have those two features.

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I document this here: Browsers - DivestOS Mobile


I want to know this too. I have read alot of threads and also the DivestOS documentation but I still don’t get what would be the best for security and/or privacy, when browsing on Android.

My current setup is:
VPN + NextDNS + Vanadium
Is something in this setup redundant or missing?

My other setup:
VPN + NextDNS + Mull + uBO
Is something in this setup redundant or missing?

Which setup is preferred?

Is Brave still a browser to concider over Vanadium, even when one uses NextDNS?


No. Unless Brave has something that Vanadium doesn’t and you really need it.

I would suggest reading this to know more about Site isolation. And no, blocking third-party iframes and enabling XSS protection cannot make up for not having site isolation.

Absolutely yes, and NextDNS doesn’t provide as complete coverage as an in-browser content blocker would. Context:


There seems to be a disagreement about Brave over Vanadium and vice versa. No clear suggestion here.

The most important question for me though, is if Mull+uBO all things considered, would be a suggested browser over Brave or Vanadium.

@SkewedZeppelin seems to indicate otherwise, but I am yet to find a specific statement about these three browsers matching the different setups mentioned in my first comment.

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Since you can enable site isolation on Mull via about:config (Introducing Site Isolation in Firefox - Mozilla Security Blog) I would add this option to your question: is Mull+uBlock+Site Isolation as good as Vanadium or Brave?

please do not enable Fission on Fenix
it does not work yet and will break things in subtle ways
it cannot be disabled once activated without clearing app data


Thanks, don’t know that :slight_smile:

Probably the most obvious and desired thing that Brave has that Vanadium doesn’t that is relevant to average user would be content blocking (“adblocking”) in the browser. No content blocking is a dealbreaker for many people.

Use Vanadium plus DNS blocking. It has everything you need for a secure and private browsing experience and no unnecessary bloat. Don’t forget to clear cookies, cache and storage regularly. Brave is also fine.

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If you use a VPN, then you need to use a third-party DNS. That’s why I cannot use DNS.

With a VPN you can still use any DNS you want. Preferably a blocking one coming from your VPN provider to not deviate too much from other VPN users. Also DNS with ad/tracker blocking is not strictly necessary for a private browsing experience, as long as you know about the possible ways of tracking and how to mitigate them.

The main source of tracking is still via state (cookies, cache, storage,…). This can be mitigated through deleting it as often as possible and state partitioning, which most privacy browsers offer.