From what I’ve read about the Chinese facial recognition AI different caps/glasses/facial hair do very little in throwing off the success rate of these surveillance technologies.
For basic cameras, probably beneficial.
For more modern camera systems, they go by what you’re wearing including clothing, shoes, and accessories like jewellery, as well height and walking style, and often have some mechanism to gain depth data like lasers.
Facial recognition is easier to defeat with full face masks for complex tools, and simple face covering glasses and mask for low res situations (which is what most people will encounter).
Gait analysis is when they see how you walk, and its very effective and scalable, although most places aren’t using it right now. (Link)
Huang Yongzhen, the CEO of Watrix, said that its system can identify people from up to 50 meters (165 feet) away, even with their back turned or face covered. This can fill a gap in facial recognition, which needs close-up, high-resolution images of a person’s face to work.
You can kinda defeat gait analysis by putting rocks in your shoes or wearing shoes with mismatched heights, but again this type of surveillance is not common yet, although it may become in the future. Specialized police units in some countries are currently using advanced gait analysis at protests. (Further Read
These patterns won’t help with facial recognition, but they will help with object detection.
The crazy patterns on your shirt make you detected as something other than a human.
If there is a two step pipeline: detect all objects, if any humans detected, run facial recognition on the detected humans. Then this would prevent the facial recognition from being ran on the person.
However if for some reason someone watches the footage, they could still crop the face and run facial recognition on that, add it to the database or search for hits. Its hard to say without knowing which specific AI system they are using.
There are 3 ways to beat it.
Covid mask, hat covering ears, sunglasses
Hyper realsitic custom mask - I linked above. Costs a few thousand.