Whonix without Qubes

I absolutely agree with what you say, but I still think it would be better if there was a guideline recommending how the Kicksecure/Whonix should be used, for what purpose it can be used. For example:

  1. Should one always use no-install-recommends when installing new packages?
  2. Should applications like lutris, steam, heroic be installed and therefore is Kicksecure an ideal distribution for PC gaming?
  3. Is Flatpak or Snap also preferable for installing applications?
  4. For which applications installed with apt or binary can firejail or sandbox-app-launcher be used?

I think the Tor Project’s support page contains enough information and detail and is a good starter guide for users. There are a few gaps, though, such as whether the webpage display language setting can be in any language, or whether users can change the browser theme. In the screenshots posted on the Tor support page, the Firefox Alpenglow theme seems to be enabled, but some people on the PG forums recommend not changing the theme, etc.