Honestly, I think that the translator is not helping me to understand 100% the topic exposed in the thread, but as I have understood, we are talking, in short, about how the vocabulary, recommendations and, in general, PrivacyGuides should be structured, depending on its target audience, or if it should be globalized to reach new audiences, right?
I personally believe that PrivacyGuides already does very well (even too well in some cases) its job of promoting knowledge about online privacy and security and the tools to achieve it.
Personally, I would like that, since this site (as Kai rightly points out) is a wonderful site to, in my words, promote the critical spirit and the technical-practical knowledge of everything concerning privacy and security, I think it would be very convenient for the target and non-target reader to include more information that could indirectly affect the central premises that PrivacyGuides efficiently deals with. That is why one of the threads I opened in the forum was dedicated to readings of evident political accent, and that is why I plan, once I have time and I can gather the appropriate information (with sources and others) to open a thread on a comparison of the various political and legislative models currently existing in the international diversity in which the interested reader can check with data and facts which administrative models (and as a result praxeologic, which ideas and legislations) favor more in a direct or indirect way to promote or to oppose the informatic freedom and privacy of the users. WARNING, I am not trying to say that the web should be politicized or ideologized at all, I just think it is convenient to extend the critical spirit that the forum already has about online privacy to other fields that may indirectly affect that previous central premise (very clear examples of what I am trying to talk about here could be, for example, the legislations that directly affect cloud services and VPNs, the whole issue of privacy policies that sadly almost nobody reads, the stories and investigations about organizations that have firmly attacked online privacy such as the various projects and agencies that Edward Snowden revealed at the time…, I do not know if the forum already has about online privacy to other fields that may indirectly affect that previous central premise. …), I don’t know if I have explained myself correctly at this point, but well, it’s just a proposal.
Something simpler to understand, for example, could be, as an idea, to create a reduced list of tools to recommend in a simpler way, something like what PrivacyTools does (which it does badly, but I only refer to the type of list) with its “Best Privacy Software & Services in 2022 - Top 10 Picks”. I don’t mean a ranking, but rather a reduced list of what, in your opinion, would be the basic privacy tools that you would recommend to a potentially uninformed user, out of the many tools mentioned in PrivacyGuides. I will give an example to make myself understood: A few days ago a friend of mine, after he found out on his own about Edward Snowden’s leaks, contacted me so that, if possible, I could recommend him some software to improve his privacy. I, at first, redirected him here, to PrivacyGuides, but a while later he contacted me again because he didn’t know very well what to choose from all the things that appear in the list and in short he was a bit lost, and it makes sense, because he doesn’t have much idea about privacy and online security, nor knows many basic things that we almost take for granted or obvious. So what I did was, among all the tools in PrivacyGuides, I recommended him the ones that in my opinion were the best suited to him (to the profile of an uninformed user), (my recommendations were Brave and Brave Search, Proton suite, Bitwarden, uBlock Origin and I also mentioned Cryptee).
What I want to get to is that, in essence, I like PrivacyGuides very much as it is technical and specific, and always moving within its code of conduct and model of recommendations, always promotes to a greater or lesser extent the critical spirit and the certainty of information, and therefore I think it would be good to increase / globalize even more the spectrum of ideas and concepts that are handled, both in more complex planes (privacy policies, legislation and other issues discussed in the first part of my comment) as well as in simpler levels (to facilitate the language or the entry even more to potential uninformed users who enter the website and that for various reasons do not know or can not devote enough time to generate a critical and informed spirit as we have, as I have exposed in the second part of my comment). I hope I have contributed correctly and fruitfully with my comment. Best regards.