Which (De-Googled) OS(s) are you using on mobile?

Though this has been polled before, several OSs were overlooked. Alphabetical order. Yes, stock users, you can still vote

  • AuroraOS
  • /e/OS
  • CalyxOS
  • DivestOS
  • GrapheneOS
  • iodéOS
  • KaiOS
  • LineageOS
  • Mobian
  • Plasma mobile
  • PostmarketOS
  • PureOS
  • SailfishOS
  • Ubuntu Touch
  • other
  • Stock Android
  • iOS
0 voters
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Surprised to see that 5% of people are using DivestOS, when the project has already been discontinued for some time.

And it’s quite sad to see 2% of people using /e/OS, which is a lot worse than both LineageOS and even stock OS on most devices.


I wonder how accurate the results of this poll actually are. I don’t know what the phenomenon is called but LTT for example, has said that something like 90% Floatplane subscribers claim to be using Firefox when basic telemetry shows this to be completely false. Given the generally pro-GrapheneOS mentality (I’m not saying it’s unjustified) here, I curious whether that has had any significant impact on the outcome of the poll.

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I am quite interested about LTT’s survey, couldn’t find it yet. :popcorn:

Btw, members in this forum tends to be more privacy cautious so it is not unexpected that GOS is popular here.

If you create the same poll in other places like Facebook / Threads, etc, you might need to rephrase a little bit (prob. a lot), and the result will be totally different.

So when it comes to accuracy, all I can say is it is definitely not reflecting the actual market share :rofl:

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It’s not a long term thing, I’ve just heard them talk about it on the WAN show.

Yes I’m aware lol. My question is whether that has genuinely driven 75% of people here (give or take obviously the active forum members are a specific subset of the community) to adopt GrapheneOS (which is very good news if that truly is the case).

368 viewers but only 41 voters, I would not think it is remotely accurate.

Yeah I suspect most users are realistically probably on stock Android to iOS. Though it’s worth noting that, if I’m not mistaken, views from users without accounts and therefore unable to vote are also counted.

If you are using the EOL DivestOS in January 2025, you will be more secure than /e/OS for a month because they STILL haven’t release the December security update yet. That’s how bad /e/OS is omg.

I think it’s probably because they advertise a lot, especially to Linux YouTubers (for some reason some people follow privacy advice from Linux YouTubers)

I voted Graphene OS.

I’m running it since October after a very, very long stint on iOS.


Many people prioritise privacy over security, and have good reasons to do so.

What I find annoying about eOS is that they advertise official support on devices but upon closer inspection they are only devices with
community support.

The problem is that there is virtually no reason to use /e/OS over Calyx or Lineage if you prefer it that way.

Calyx has proper verified boot, MicroG can be opted out, updates faster, and a more secure implementation of MicroG where it only allows signature spoofing for Google signature

LineageOS has more device support, MicroG needs to be opt in when flashing (you can also use MicroG unprivileged), updates faster, and a more secure implementation of MicroG where it only allows signature spoofing for Google signature

And also keep it mind that /e/OS downloads proprietary safetynet stuff out of the box instead of having you choose.


How exactly is one supposed to enforce privacy without security?

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Again, it doesn’t have to be always black and white.
Often it boils down to harm reduction and threat model.
If you’re stuck with an old device and you can’t afford a better newer one, than trading some security for a superior privacy gain could make sense.
That is not ideal of course but as long as you are aware of the down sides you can make an educated choice.


I agree here, but I also want to add that in terms of harm reduction for EOL devices there is still a spectrum. LineageOS is a far better choice than /e/


It may be a spectrum, but that doesn’t change the fact that some options like /e/OS and LineageOS provide no substantive harm reduction. DivestOS was recommended because it could at least provide some, imperfect harm reduction. If other OSes achieved the same thing they would be recommended. At a certain point, EOL devices must be replaced.


No, I agree, I bought a Pixel 8 (with help from my boyfriend) right after DivestOS died because others are not compromise I’m willing to go for.

I guess my point is that /e/OS is so bad that it makes LineageOS looks (comparatively) good as a security option (that basically no one should use /e/OS, even if they’re comfortable with running something EOL without verified boot)

EDIT: Just to be clear, I’m not advocating for the addition of LineageOS onto PrivacyGuides. I’m simply saying that if someone is okay with the security compromise of /e/OS, they should just go use Lineage instead as that provides faster updates (/e/OS takes like 2 months) and better MicroG implementation (/e/OS allows signature spoofing for every package)


We are not discussing a recommendation. If you have an eol device that have intrusive tracking apps and you can’t have what is recommended lineage could be a better option, even if not the best.

I’m running stock, adb-disabled/uninstalled some obvious crapware.

Been dabbling in custom rom since 2011, used to selfcompiled my own kernel too but nowadays I’m too old to tinker with anything low level. I mostly want all my apps to just work and doesn’t want to deal with cat and mouse game of magisk and safetynet. Last custom rom i used was lineageos in 2018 something.

This is still a recommendation which you are making. Given the security regressions of LineageOS and especially /e/OS, I’m not convinced they would necessarily be an improvement, at least in most cases.

No, I’m not recommending Lineage, /e/OS or CalyX.
I’m just saying that when you’re out of options you do what you can knowing that there are drawbacks.

The best recommendations are on the site and since DivestOS is dead we are facing a big hole if you don’t own a Pixel or an iPhone.
Also, the only recommended OS is only Linux and it has already been discussed that privacy could be enhanced also in MacOS and Windows because not everyone would migrate to Linux because reasons.
Reality is complex, so yes recommendations are not a panacea and stubbornly arguing that is black and white is not helping.

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