I cannot find any information about which cpus have Microsoft Pluton? For AMD i see that PRO Technologies included Pluton but does that mean that non-pro AMD cpus do not have Pluton? Do all cpus after 6000 series come with pluton? For example there is a laptop with the 7320U cpu and nothing is mentioned about Pluton?
For Intel i see that Lunar Lake will include “partner security engine” which will have Pluton.
Any reason why you would not want your CPU to have extra security features?
I do not want to go into that discussion. My question is not if Pluton is bad or not. I am just asking someone who understands hardware better to point me out how to figure out which cpus have it.
You can find the technical fact sheet for each CPU on the CPU manufacturer’s website which should also mention Pluton if it is included. Only a minority of CPUs have Pluton. Pls don’t avoid AMD Pro CPUs, they have better security features than average consumer ones.
I checked AMD’s technical fact sheet for processors that are know to have pluton, but i could not find anywhere that states the cpu has it. It is just stated that the cpus have AMD PRO technologies, but not sure if this includes Pluton.
AMD 7000 series is Pluton compliant (Source), and any subsequent one would probably be complaint too. Microsoft will probably make it a platform requirement for Windows like tpm (Source).
Anything >=7000 series will have it. So will modern intel chips. You cannot escape platform specific changes imposed by Windows as long as they have the market share. Only options without platform security measures would be potential RISC-V platforms and Custom Hardware Manufacturers with Custom firmware and BIOS. RISC-V is not mature, and the other option is not secure.