Webrtc + Mac spoof question

If in brave i choose no unproxied udp (to my knowledge it means webrtc will be routed throug mullvad so it wont leak my real ip) can i still use zoom, brave talk etc?

Question 2:
If i spoof my mac on a win11 vm (random mac) will it cause any problems?

As far as I know and undertsand, WebRTC is needed for video calls/conference calls on browsers.

To my knowledge on brave is i use the proxied udp setting all it does is route through my vpn, and doesnt completely disable it. Not 100% sure though

I don’t use Brave a lot and for this purpose, so I could be wrong too. But that is my current understanding.

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Lists what the various WebRTC settings do. Disable non-proxied UDP is completely blocking WebRTC from working for me though.

You can look at the options and decide what fits / is acceptable for your threat model.

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I thought it would route my traffic via my vpn not disable it, extremely unfortunate.

It’s not supposed to disable it entirely, it just didn’t work with my setup for some reason. You can try the next strictest setting otherwise.

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