Turns out Proton CEO is probably secretly a Democrat

Hi folks, as I can see we are all embroiled in this controversy surrounding Proton and Andy Yen, and his statements. I stumbled across this Medium article, and I do not think it has gotten the attention it deserves.

As much as I did not want to open a new thread on the matter, as a long-time lurker of this forum, I felt like this deserves a new thread. Since we have a thread that directly accuses Andy of being a Republican, we should be able to have a thread that displays the opposing argument, which is that he is actually a Democrat.

I would like to start a fresh conversation where people can debate using facts and reliable information.

The most convincing part for me was the donations that Proton makes, which makes me feel like Yen and his organization are really aligned with what we believe in, because they give money to the places that empower people like us, so that they may thrive.

Many thanks and I hope we will all be able to participate in a civil discussion.

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Oh, but someone said Andy was a Trump supporter! :upside_down_face:

FFS - not again.

Someone please merge this with the other post if it meets the criteria.

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Hey! This thread probably makes more sense as an off-topic discussion (and in the previous thread) given the separation between Proton as a privacy-enhancing tool and the political beliefs of the CEO.

Anyhow, political beliefs are complex and sometimes people are not logically consistent or informed. That’s probably all I will comment on this matter.

Do not open any further Proton CEO threads, please.
Use the existing ones.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The Intercept: Proton Mail Says It’s “Politically Neutral” While Praising Republican Party