The Immich core team goes full-time

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Dang, everyone is getting that FUTO money lately it seems like :eyes:


Iā€™m trying to keep an open mind / trying not to rush to conclusions as I donā€™t know a lot about FUTO apart from what I read today, and what I vaguely remember from the Grayjay app announcement a while back. But Iā€™m somewhat uncomfortable with the vagueness of Futoā€™s business model (generally speaking), and what they expect in return when they fund a project like Immich and how much control/power they receive in exchange for funding.

If they arenā€™t a non-profit making no strings attached donations (they arenā€™t) and they are not a venture capital firm (they say they are not). What exactly are they? Iā€™d like to understand their incentives, constraints, and structure, beyond the flowery philosophical statements they make, which I are values are share, but not a business model nor anything concrete and defined.

What I am happy about and hopeful for regardless of the above is that Immichā€™s developers will be fairly compensated for their hard work. On paper the things Futo says they stand for are good things. And that Immich development could possibly be more sustainable over the long term with this partnership.

There will be a Q&A livestream happening next week, and there is an ongoing reddit thread started by Immichā€™s creator here

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It does definitely seem like a Signal situation, where things just exist because I guess a billionaire wants it to, and you just have to trust that theyā€™ll be cool forever?

I feel like if I were a billionaire Iā€™d want to do something like FUTO, except fully FOSS and self-hostable in all aspectsā€¦ Of course this is perhaps why Iā€™m not a billionaire, I donā€™t have that billionaire mindset :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

What I will point out though is that many FUTO projects do receive no-strings-attached grants (at least to my understanding). Some projects like Grayjay and Circles and now Immich seem to have different agreements than that, but FUTO is also funding legit fully FOSS projects as well.


From my understanding Grayjay, Circles, the Futo Keyboard etc. are all Futo projects that they develop and own, The situation with Immich Iā€™m not too clear on though. From my personal view Iā€™d say as long as Louis Rossman is still heavily involved Iā€™ll give them some trust, if he ever leaves theyā€™ll have to work hard to maintain that level of trust since heā€™s usually pretty outspoken on things.

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Yeah, all the FUTO ā€œProjectsā€ are theirs, the legendary grant recipients are not.

It sounds to me like Immich will become a FUTO Project, same as Circles, et al.

I agree, Rossman lends them a lot of credibility. I canā€™t think of a single instance where heā€™s been dishonest or untrustworthy. Still best to look at other factors instead of just deferring to authority of course, but it certainly helps FUTOā€™s case.


Now I want a billionaire to built cool things like this with me toošŸ˜‚

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Clearly I need to find a billionaire that likes Privacy Guides :innocent:


I mean I havenā€™t checked the legal future thread in a while but you could try for a FUTO grant depending on how the plan is looking for the legal future.