2009, I operated a KG-175D that encrypted traffic over SIPRNet and was one of the two holders of the physical CIK key on our FOB in Iraq. I thought, maybe I should start encrypting my passwords too.
2010, I set up a veracrypt vault with passwords, tax info, and… Other material.
2013, Snowden revelations got me all concerned but then I dug my head in the sand because… i wasnt that interesting and not a criminal™.
2016, I saw a friend using LastPass and I wanted to be as cool as him, moved to LastPass.
2017, was on a big data team and started realizing even companies got a lot of information on people too. This is terrible… Oh well, ill be lost in a sea of people and what’s the worst that’ll happen targeted ads?! Oooooo scary
2020, first kid
2024, I notice my kids will be getting a chrome book for school, connect the dots and see how much power this gives wealthy and gov elites.
Deep dive into every privacy resource available, buy a Yubikey, move from LastPass tp KeePassXC, buy a Firewalla, Find Privacy Guides, post this post, get the fam on Proton and pcloud, explain to my wife what a VPN is, build my homelab to get us off as many subscriptions as possible, replace blink cameras with Reolink connected to home assistant, sell my iphone, buy a pixel then install GrapheneOS, buy a Framework install Debian, buy a pixel tablet, install GrapheneOS. Reach out to library and build an outline to present to mh community of parents.
2025, surprisingly not much yet.