I was thinking that it might be interesting to have a running thread of my privacy journey. I was thinking this might help out others see how someone navigates their own journey and reflect what may work for them. I’m thinking I would use this thread to post updates on things I’ve tried, succeeded or failed, and try to get some feedback from the community before trying the next thing. My disclaimer is that I am already tech savvy enough to navigate most things, so I suspect what may be easier for me may be harder for others depending on their skill level.
Does this sound interesting to anyone? Or would this thread just be annoying to see periodically bumped, and would be better as separate topics when I have updates?
Yeah that is also what I was thinking, it becomes sort of a blog. if everyone wants to make a blog thread, well now we need a whole new place for that haha.
I’ll think about this concept more - maybe it will be better as a string of different threads with a unique tag so its easy to filter on
Yup, what was going to be my first topic. I actually don’t have a well defined threat model at all, so I need to come up with one that is solid. I’ve actually been coming at this at a hobbyist point of view, whereas any improvement in privacy has been quite rewarding to me, and has generally been fun. I’ve definitely taken the iterative approach which is working well - its been years in the making, nothing overnight, and definitely make mistakes that can be improved later.
This is why I typically don’t post questions myself currently, as I kind of meander around in improving privacy, and opt out of improvements if they aren’t executed. This style isn’t quite the same one as this forum, so I have been contributing in other ways.
Sounds interesting to me. I say go for it. Most of the forums I participate on are more DIY oriented and often center around people sharing their personal projects, sometimes spanning years or more. I find these types of personal long running threads interesting to follow, often informative or relatable, and help wit community-building.