Drop recommendations for all Gecko-based browsers on Android, except Tor Browser (lacks alternatives), due to very lacking security and add statement of reasons.
Alternative proposal
If above proposal does not succeed, at least change statements below to make the security shortcomings very clear, and that they apply to all users, not just high-risk. Add statement that Chromium browsers are generally preferred for security reasons.
Affected section
Statements to revisit
Firefox (Gecko)-based browsers on Android lack per-site process isolation, a powerful security feature that offers additional protection against a malicious website exploiting a security vulnerability.
Gecko-based browsers don’t just lack site-isolation. They lack internal sandboxing in general, have no automatic variable initialisation, are behind in exploit mitigations, their memory allocator is worse then Chromium’s and more. See further reading below.
Missing this feature likely won’t pose an issue for low-risk web browsers who keep their browser up-to-date,
Would you bet your authentication cookies and passwords on it? Because that’s effectively what you do, if you use it as your main browser.
but those visiting higher-risk sites or at risk of targeted/0-day attacks should strongly consider a Chromium-based browser like Brave instead.
People can get hit by 0-days for many reasons, not just targeted attacks. Also many people hit by targeted attacks didn’t even consider themselves worth the effort beforehand, so this advice wouldn’t have helped them. Per-usage cost of professional spyware software is not as high as people think, especially considering the financial power of some adversaries.
[Mull section]
Even though Mull does it’s best to configure Firefox and keep it up-to-date, it is a Gecko-based browser and thus should not be recommended due to the inherent security concerns.
Further reading
- The Android Security Model with regards to sandboxing. Overview of Android sandboxing, provides sources for digging more into Android’s security model.
- Web browsing | Usage guide | GrapheneOS. Official statement with clear anti-recommendation for Gecko-based browsers and short overview of reasoning.
- Firefox and Chromium | Madaidan’s Insecurities. Analysis of Chromiums’s and Firefox’s security posture. While outdated in some parts, still holds true for the most part and especially the overall picture. Provides links to sources and issue trackers to check for updates.
Edit 2: Reworked for more clarity, added structure, concrete proposal and further reading, changed title. Hopefully left general statement intact.