Proton updates thread

It was recently pointed out in this thread that proton doesn’t always announce new features or updates through their official channels. I decided to make this thread as a way to pass on information to people that may have missed it.

10/18/2024: proton docs for Android and iOS apps: Reddit post

10/31/2024: updates to macOS speeds for drive and sharing updates: Reddit post

11/12/2024: improvements for VPN app on Linux: Reddit post

11/14/2024: Share links with non-Proton users and create documents on mobile: Main reddit announcement and Reddit comment with more information

11/21/2024: Type to filter autofill results, Website port support, and Choose vault during autosave for pass. Reddit post.

11/21/2024: Drive “Shared with Me” on iOS. Reddit post.


Proton VPN roadmap

I figured I’d post this in here. It’s Proton’s roadmap for their VPN in the coming months. Some long-awaited features are finally being added.

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The point of the thread is to post things that aren’t posted on the website. Nice of you to post it though.

Just realized people probably don’t see updates when I post them because the thread doesn’t get bumped. I’ll start making comments with the newest updates as well as putting them in the main post to solve that issue.

Added: Drive: shared with me on iOS. Pass: Type to filter autofill results Website port support, Choose vault during autosave.

I think it is better to just post individual updates as threads like i have been doing for a while when ever they are relevant. People can also then respond to those posts.


I didn’t want to clutter the forum with updates that aren’t big enough for proton to consider front page news. If you think it’s worth it to post them as separate threads I’ll do that.

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