Proton Mail Discloses User Data Leading to Arrest in Spain

To be completely fair, there are good arguments against Proton’s behavior here.

  1. They don’t make it clear anywhere during the process to add a recovery email how that data is stored. It is not unreasonable for a non-tech person to assume everything is encrypted at an encrypted email service, so Proton is not helping people make good opsec decisions.

    Even a simple line like “share a recovery email address with Proton” would be an improvement. “Set account recovery methods” is less obvious.

  2. Proton uses dark patterns to get people to add a recovery email to their account. The statement they published after this story broke makes it sound like adding a recovery email is an exception to their “privacy by default,” when in fact they really push for having a recovery email to be the norm.

None of this changes anything about Proton’s service and how good it is, but all products can be improved.