Proton Drive Issue - Can't remove from file explorer

I am running into an issue where even after I have uninstalled proton drive it still shows up in file explorer.

The more concerning bit is there appears to be a cache of my drive from the last time I used the desktop app that, as long as you were logged into my Windows user account, access requires no password or authentication.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Has anyone found a solution?

After some searches I do see some regedit solutions on Reddit but, I typically do not follow random regedit advice off Reddit.

I did send in a support issue to Proton as well and am awaiting an answer.

EDIT: Proton sent me UnregisterAllOnDemandSyncRoots.exe to try and remove all registry entries which did not work. I have never seen helpdesk support send a user an executable file before, so that was a bit odd. I am hoping they will send me an official list of which entries need to be removed.


I also had that issue, I emailed them, and they give me some solutions which of course didn’t work. I just gave up.

Maybe try in a VM these regedit advices…

What they suggested to make changes in registry??? Madness.
Proton drive is still on all desktop clients quite unusable IMO. Windows seemed the better one.

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I think he ment “reddit” advices.

I did find, that if I re-installed I could atleast delete the cache files. The drive still shows up but atleast the files are gone.

Advice like this…

My big issue was uploading was super clunky compared to just using the site. Without being able to upload from the desktop client, there wasnt much use in having it.

I haven’t had this issue with Proton Drive, but then again I haven’t tried to remove it yet. I did however have the same issue with Tresorit, when I tried to remove that, in which case as I recall I had to search the registry for keys related to this until I managed to remove the correct ones. I’ll never try to install that ever again after that experience - nothing is worse than software that won’t properly clean itself up when you remove it.

I’d maybe start with simply opening regedit and start searching for string “Proton” or “Proton Drive”. As the drive is displayed in the File Explorer, it has to get the display name from somewhere, and it’s usually stored in the registry somewhere. Might also be an idea to search for the path of the actual folder storing the content if you can still double-click on it and it takes you to the files (should be somewhere under your user folder, it’s possible to set the location in the settings of the app).

Sounds like you refer to a macOS procedure, while OP is talking about Windows.


I try and use regedits as a last resort if I can, especially since there only seems to be reddit threads for doing it and all of them appear to be saying slightly different things.

Damn. I missed that. Sorry.

I just think the stuff you need to remove is in there. And remember that you can export any keys you intend to delete first, in case you need to restore them. :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree, I just don’t see the need to screw around in the registry blindly, when I can just let proton support figure it out and give me official instructions. :slight_smile:

My hope with this thread was that either someone already got those instructions and could just tell me or that there was a more simple solutions, like maybe I missed some sort of option on the uninstaller.