Private messaging app that works smoothly

I would like to switch to a more private and secure messaging app then what’s app which is own by meta …
But before trying to convince my family to move to an other app I start tested some by myself.
I installed simpleX on my iphone and on my mac (created two “account”) to be able to send message to myself as I would do with my family.
A trouble I encontered is that if my Iphone is lock it seems that I don’t always received the notification when I receive a new message. I set the notifications to ‘Instant’, does anyone have this trouble too.

I start tested session which seems to work really better in term of receiving notifications, but it look like messages take time to be send.

Maybe I will try signal but I cannot test it alone as I only have one phone number and it’s required for signal to have an account.
Maybe matrix (element) is a good option.

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I would recommend reading this thread on the topic: With cell carrier hack, the time has come to encourage my family/friends to adopt an encrypted messenger. Which to use?

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Thanks for your answer, I read the thread, I think I will try to use signal, but as I remember I had trouble with notifications there too when I used it a long time ago.
But thank you I will give it a try and follow privacy guide tutorial about settings for signal.

Make sure to check in the settings and notifications are allowed and enabled. Also turn off the remove permissions if app is unused. Finally, go into battery, then set battery to unrestricted.

Most issues that arise are due to people who use Signal for a bit then don’t for a while and then complain they don’t get messages or anything, thinking nobody is on Signal.

But sometimes I got notifications, but not all the time idk why.
Maybe I didn’t launch the app for one or two day but sadly it’s because not a lot of people are there so I don’t launch the app.

this is happening many times on different phone devices :confused:

(even “battery, then set battery to unrestricted” )

You currently experience this on signal ?
On which device please ? iPhone, android, desktop ?

currently I see this problem on android 14 with galaxy a04s.

this topic has been discus many different forums and signal’s github.

I have:

  • performance mode enabled on android
  • signal is unrestricted from battery settings.

There is no any other option about sleeping apps…

I dont have same problem on whatsapp on same device. I assume manufactures or OS are doing it intentionally.

I don’t know what is this “performance mode”, probably a Samsung setting but I suspect this could cause an aggressive kill to free up ram and could lead to Signal being killed and not receiving notifications.
Try to disable it and see if it solves your problem.

From my experience, every single messaging service will receive complaints about missing notifications. I see such comments, if not daily, than for sure on weekly basis. There are so many different phone manufacturers, with different android modifications and settings, there will be some issues for sure.

As for recommendation, I would, of course, recommend Signal. Other ones that I often use, but with much less people are Threema and XMPP (Conversations). Though they have no real advantages, and I would say calls quality with Threema is noticeably worse comparing to Signal.

sorry for wrong information on my 1st reply. I mixed it because I manage all phones at my big family.

For this phone I mention (galaxy) there is no “performance mode”. there is only one option: “power saving mode” enabled or disabled. I have disable it. But signal still has notification issue (most of the time - not always).

I personally never experienced any issues with what’s app on my iPhone, as I remember.