(No OP) Was switching from Gmail to ProtonMail my biggest mistake?

It’s applicable to all providers. You should take regular backups. There was a post in the recent weeks that a guy locked up his own account without having no backup.


Before I bought an NAS, i use syncthing.

After I got a NAS, I just use the application provided by the manufecturer.

To sync to proton, you can just use their Proton Drive app. However I dont use the app but backup mnually from time to time, as I dont like too many applications running in my background and draining my batteries.

Well, attack surface and trust - these things all depend on a threat model. Your comment is valid but doesn’t necessarily apply to all.

I maintain it because I do have a trust factor in the two password managers I use.

This really settled it. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket moment.

Ehh, I wouldn’t come away from this with a “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” mentality.

The real lesson is that the 3-2-1 rule is important, and if you don’t follow it, then it’s on you.

You need 3 copies: 2 local and 1 offshore. If you use Proton Pass, then you already took care of the offshore part. Now you should have two local copies on different devices and preferably in different locations.


Well said. Always have a KeePassXC database file on an encrypted storage to have full control over your passwords. Never rely solely on the cloud. You never know when their service goes offline or your account getting an unexpected suspension. It is wise to have a local offline copy in your possession.

I’ve used a few different password managers over the years, currently using Proton Pass, but I keep regular exports in case any issues with cloud services.

Even with Bitwarden I used to get fully logged out of all accounts pretty regularly during updates etc…

Out of curiousity, does anyone know what would have happened if they had the ProtonPass app installed on their computer and had Offline mode enabled? (Either with the Password or PIN)?

  1. Upon opening the app, and it connecting to the internet, would it still lock the app or kick them to Offline mode?
  2. Assuming it would lock them out, afterwards, if they were to close the app, turn off their internet, and reopen, would it then be in offline mode or would it have been permalocked from the previous opening?

Basically what I’m wondering is, can the ProtonPass itself somehow safely be used as one of those backup solutions by utilizing Offline mode in some way? (Without of course, having a computer with it that’s always disconnected from the internet)

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In that case, you could disable/disconnect Internet to be sure…

But I believe @imls you can ask them to allow you 24h access to export your data. Under GDPR they should provide you all of your data anyway.

Yeah I was just thinking in terms of someone who might not yet know that their account has been locked. In that case, upon first opening (Assuming you have ProtonPass auto-launch), it’s going to connect and see that the account it locked. The question is, if you then exit the program and re-launch after disabling the internet, will the App still have you locked out because of its initial communication, or will it try to re-check - see it’s offline - and let you use offline methods?

This is probably somethin’ that can only be answered by a Proton rep tho. :thinking:

There are situations where it is useful to have two different password managers:

  • Inaccessible account
  • Blocked account
    Personally, I have a backup of Bitwarden in Proton Pass (free). It’s easy and gives me a bit more peace of mind.