Privacy Questions and Answers

Key takeaway: It seems the optimal solution is for people to understand the technology better.

This is why I think this should be a key focus for the developers of this site. Thanks to @overdrawn98901 I have got one resource to help me accomplish this, are there any other recommended resources? I have been recommended the Hitchhiker’s Guide to Privacy as well, along with other resources in my post here: Data Privacy and Security Educational Resources - #5 by Paranoia.

I am using Proton VPN for free, it seems to work fine, would you suggest paying for it? Regardless, I already have access to a VPN and from what you said, it appears that I should be using one, especially on public networks.

If these order confirmation details are not E2EE, doesn’t this mean that any of the infrastructure relaying the message in the middle of the pathway (sender to receiver), will be able to see the contents of this email, and if they are breached all my information could be stolen?

So, you reckon I ditch skip redirect? I then I will probs use Bitwarden extension for convenience.

Afaik, the Tor project themselves recommend Orbot. I am using Proton VPN for free, as for what is in it for them, under their freemium model, potential subscribers is what is in it for them, plus I assume it’s like bait, they want to reel customers in.

How does this work?


Thanks for clarifying this!!!

Key takeaways I got from your detailed reply which I truly appreciate:

  • Preferably, go to stores and pay with cash.
  • Use email aliases, for everything? Including important stuff like bank accounts … Wherever allowed. I noticed Apple would not allow me to use an alias for my Apple ID.
  • Use Apple Mail over canary for non-proton mail accounts.
  • After reading up on OpenPGP it looks like you need two people to use it, and it is a hassle, so it seems I should forget about it for now. However, OpenPGP is the best way to encrypt emails.
  • Buy a new router. Sigh, this will likely be very beneficial (improving itnernet speeds + privacy), but expensive money and time wise.

One question that remains unanswered is whether using a client like thunderbird or outlook is different privacy-wise, when using a non-proton mail email account.

Again, thanks to you and sha123, for clarifying a lot of my questions!!!