One factor that PG ignores that I feel is quite relevant specifically for VPN usage is jurisdiction in relation to your residence.
On a global scale we know that there is a faction of Western countries (including but not limited to 14 Eyes) that share data with each other. If you live in the West and use a VPN whose jurisdiction is in the West, you therefore may be at greater risk of de-anonymisation and subsequent prosecution than if you were using a VPN based outside of the West.
I know the argument goes “but Swedish and Swiss privacy laws are really good!” but the fact of the matter is these Western countries cooperate way too much with each other on many levels so I don’t trust that their intelligence agencies aren’t doing some data-sharing, and 14 Eyes documentation implies there was some already even back then.
Your threat model may be different and that’s fine. I’d still like to hear your suggestions for VPN services that are based in non-Western countries, ideally ones that are hostile to the West like China and Russia.