Is it a choice between using a VPN or DNS?

From what I understand on Privacyguide the only reputable VPN with built-in DNS tracking protection seems to be IVPN. I know everyone says adding a different DNS to a VPN can cause leaks and therefore worsen security… so does that mean anyone with a different VPN is alternating between the two choices? Or is there a safe solution I’m not seeing to have both enabled without sacrificing privacy?

all the 3 VPNs support DNS and Custom DNS not just IVPN.
Though proton only does IPV4 which is a bummer for me but yeah.

As for the question yes there are differences but it varies to what you’re trying to protect from.

This is actually not a bad option either.

Would a custom DNS on either proton or Mullvad cause leaks? I may have read wrong.

I was hoping to use a VPN with tracker blocking for apps on an android device.

leaks as in?
If you setup custom DNS inside the VPN client it theoretically shouldn’t cause any DNS leaks if that’s what you mean. In any case if you want to actually prevent that use the built in Content Filtering like Proton’s Netshield, Mullvad’s or IVPN’s
iirc Mulllvad also does DNS Over TLS custom unlike proton which only does IPv4 which would be less prone to DNS leaks

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Thanks! I’m new to all of this so I appreciate the help.
It may have not been leaks but rather reducing privacy? As in it will use the dns first then the VPN? I should have saved the exact URL.

In the future please search the forum before posting. This has been discussed many times and you likely would’ve found the answer you were looking for: Search results for 'vpn dns' - Privacy Guides Community