There is two Instagram front-ends for Instagram that don’t comply with the requirements of PrivacyGuides but that could be useful to someone searching in the forum.
They are called picucki and AnonyIG.
AnonyIG let you view the stories too, which I think Picucki don’t but Picucki can show full descriptions and AnonyIG can’t.
Now I prefer to use Instagram Viewer ✧ Free Anon IG Viewer at Inflact because I believe that Picucki doesn’t let view posts anymore. It changed to be a Tiktok viewer, and anonyig doesn’t let view full descriptions and split posts with more than 1 picture.
Inflact require email but it does not verify the email so you can put whatever random email.
Edit : my bad, then it requires payment to view more than a few posts. 
If anyone has a better alternative instead of creating an instagram account. I like this because there is an account that I like that publishes outside of Instagram as well but not much less.
do you happen to know a working proxigram instance then?
Well Annoyig is still not a bad option. is not bad either
I think the overall best Instagram viewer by far (stories + 12 last posts) is but I can only see the 12 last posts of each account.