Impact of timezone change to UTC 0 when RFP setting enabled on FF

What are the negative impacts of this metric on fingerprinting overall considering the other strong anti fingerprinting measures this setting does?

Since fingerprint techniques rarely use only 1 or 2 kinds of metrics but rather always a whole set how significantly is the impact of the time zone metric on the created profile?

When Correlating the IP and Timezone. A site could easily say you are using RFP and makes you stand out from the crowd.

If you want RFP, use Tor Browser or you need fingerprinting resistance for sure, then use Brave Browser.

Thanks for you answer.

When Correlating the IP and Timezone. A site could easily say you are using RFP and makes you stand out from the crowd.

Thats what I know too so far, my question has been rather how impactful these metrics actually are assuming fingerprinting techniques usually use more than these 2 to create an unique profile of you.

People who use RFP are very low but they share the same metrics. So, If about 5 people are from the Same Country (No specific region). Then you are certaininly blending in.

But I doubt it happening in reality.