Sorting email addresses out for various accounts
I have recently signed up to mailbox as I’m wanting to degoogle as much as I can.
I have had a gmail address for over 10 years, which has often shown up as being prawned. I do see quite a bit of spam come into the spam folder, but nothing too bad in the inbox.
I have also moved all emails I want to keep to mailbox so im only using gmail for incoming stuff and if I want to file away then i move it to mailbox via thunderbird
I do plan on keeping my Google account for things i can’t yet degoogle such as brought apps in play store, services that only work with Google Drive for backup ect.
I have thought of a plan of emails addresses using a combination Firefox relay and mailbox aliases.
Login email which is never used for signing up to anything, just login to mailbox
Personal email which is for services I use for personal use only services that are trustworthy, could use for bank maybe or a separate email?
Another email for signing up to accounts to use services for my own business
Email address for torrent trackers i use a lot as well as using Mozilla relay for trackers and services I want to use anomalously.
The issue I have is that I have a lot of accounts that use my Gmail address. I am thinking of keeping Gmail to use a shield against mailbox. but then it feels like a toss up between a well sorted tech life system vs not putting all eggs in 1 box.
if there’s a new service i would sign up using gmail just to try out then review the situation then switch email to mailbox later on. But I feel that I want to move past that.
This is what I currently do, but how do people pick which emails to use when signing up for a new service or even username for personal or anonymously.
I do know of some services that use 3rd party auth, such as talescale and the forums here. But again, how does one choose which service to use to sign up? I often avoid in case of issues with the 3rd party provider.
What are peoples thoughts, and does one go about getting email based accounts sorted.
I have had a read up here but also I have found this post What is y'all setup for Proton services? quite helpful and would nice to build upon.
so what are peoples thoughts on how to go about this? I am working on deleting accounts where I can.
Many thanks