I am using Evolution on Linux Mint, and am realizing how my emails are an open book for anyone or anything which infiltrates my system. Why should I put so much effort into securing my passwords for all accounts, when perhaps the most sensitive info of all is not secure.
If I add my password to the keyring, then I am always logged in, without any need to insert a password beyond unlocking my device. And if I do not add my password to the keyring, I remain logged in until I end session. Closing the application or inactivity does not log me out.
I suspect this is not normal behaviour, because according to GNOME, “the keyrings are locked and a master keyring password has to be provided in order to unlock each of them. A keyring can be configured to be locked automatically after a period of inactivity.”
But this is not the case by default for me, and I can find no way of changing it.
I wonder if other people’s email clients are always logged in as it is for me? How can I change it so my emails and ability to send emails requires a password to unlock, and relocks when closing client or after inactivity?
(edit: link to GNOME quote https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/GnomeKeyring/KeyringIntro )