GitHub/Obtainium for Dummies

Following PG’s guidance on where to obtain apps, I am looking to download Obtainium to my cellphone. Although I was able to download F-Droid without any problems I am relatively new to all this and the GitHub pages are very intimidating. There are lots of links and files and I am not sure what I should be clicking on to download what I need.

Under v1.1.29 there are lots of APK assets dated 4 days ago. How do I know which one to download, or go to learn about this?

It would be more straightforward if I downloaded Obtainium from F-Droid, but that doesn’t help me going forwards knowing where to get my updates from via Obtainium.


You need to download this one: app-arm64-v8a-release.apk.

Thank you for the help. For dummies like myself, how can I know which APK in the future? Is it simply because looking at the list of APKs it’s of the biggest files and because it doesn’t mention ‘fdroid’ in the file name? I assume the fdroid files are the versions of the app that get sent to F-Droid for their repository (if there’s any difference)?

It requires knowing the general architecture of your phone CPU. Once you know that, you know which apks to pick based on the ARM version. What phone do you have?

Obtanium can update itself and the f-droid release trails quite a bit most of the time.

I believe you’re wondering about how to install and update apps with obtanium? Like 90% of the time it’s just a matter of getting the github/gitlab/codeburg link to the app’s repo and adding that in the top spot when adding a new app.

Removed. Is there a ‘CPU=ARM’ list? :face_with_head_bandage:

Not planning to install anything odd, just Proton, Bitwarden, Brave, etc (if available).

In general, phones in the last 2-3 years are 64 bit ARM CPUs. That’s known as either aarch64 or arm64-v8a specifically with android.

You should be getting arm64 or ARMv8 apks.