I don’t think any business owner plans on shutting down their business, but it’s naive to assume or claim that this will never happen. Lavabit didn’t plan on going out the way they did when they started.
6 posts were split to a new topic: Forward Email (new features)
Personally, I don’t trust the service because the free accounts are only valid for two years with their vanity domain. This isn’t mentioned on their webpage. I just found out about this on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/slundk/cautionary_note_about_forwardemailnet/) after I was banned without notice. I am not an OP on Reddit, thus I am not in that predicament. I was simply suspended without notification at all.
Hi there, your statement is not true. We clarified it in that false Reddit post too at https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/slundk/comment/j77mwbu/.
We absolutely do NOT ban free users after two years.
That is simply not the case and never has been a thing. Please read our answers in that Reddit thread.
I like your service that us why i have created this post for inclusion in recommendation list
Services such as SImpleLogin and AnonAddy do not provide actual mailboxes. They’re simply disposable email services and can do very simple email forwarding.
Is not this propagating misinformation?
Another thing that is not tolerated is knocking down the opponent in order to elevate oneself through deceptive and marketing language.
Yeah, I would consider that statement (“They’re simply disposable e-mail”) misinformation.
Simpleogin and Anonaddy, do not provide (or intend to provide) actual traditional inboxes, but they are not “disposable email.” An aliasing service =/= disposable or temporary e-mail.
I feel like some people in this thread are interpreting things in bad faith. Let’s assume that whoever you’re replying to wrote their comment in good faith, try to understand what they mean if what they literally said is slightly off, and keep things constructive.
Hey all,
Big fan of PG and long time lurker. Also, happen to be an avid forwardemail user and code contributor and this discussion gave me the nudge to want to jump into the awesome discussion so far.
Also want to put the code of conduct (GitHub - privacyguides/privacyguides.org: Protect your data against global mass surveillance programs.) front and center just to make sure the discussion stays on topic and we can continue the great progress!
I personally was using the free tier for over 2 years and have never seen that limitation. You can either avoid signing up and configure your DNS records appropriately or sign up with the free tier and go through the onboarding and DNS verification process. I was even a contributor to the recent encrypted TXT records which are a free offering as well. I’ve also been on the enhanced and team tiers the last 3-4 years and those prices haven’t changed since.
Just looking back at the discussion (github included), I see Jonah may be unavailable until later next week. Anyone have notes on where we may be on the criteria? Skimming back through myself to collect some bullet points and happy to contribute along this privacy / security journey to help get forwardemail onboarded!
12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Forward Email (new features)
@forwardemail can you consider adding xmr as a payment option? Otherwise I have to use payment aliasing services
Can’t wait!
@forwardemail if you offer free servicve than what the hell is the reason you charge people for using higher tiers (see here)? Either free or paid.
First, but dann serious, red flag.
Second red flag, even more serious: in your FAQ
there is:
Will you ever increase prices?
No. Prices will never increase. Unlike other companies, we will never shutdown our service either.
@forwardemail How do you know you wiill never shutdown?
Would be cautious with signing up.
The reason we charge people is for (1) storage costs and (2) to protect IP reputation.
Any provider has costs – and we do too. If you’re on a paid plan, you get those features (IMAP/POP3/CalDAV/outbound SMTP) for $3/mo. We don’t charge per user unlike others either.
Most VPS providers charge $5/mo, so we’re already $2 cheaper per month than spinning up your own VM and hosting your own email server infrastructure (and subsequently dealing with IP reputation, load balancing, fighting spam and malicious actors, DNSSEC, MTA-STS, DMARC, DKIM, SPF, ensuring uptime and everything else on your own – basically our entire business). There are some providers that offer $2.50/mo VPS, but most if not all of those only offer IPv6 address, and not all MX servers support sending to IPv6 AAAA addresses as resolved from MX lookup – some only support IPv4 anyways too.
Regarding your second “red flag” – this has already been addressed in this thread. We’ve been around for 8 years now and we have never increased prices.
The cost of bandwidth & storage is exponentially decreasing last I checked.
You should be decreasing your prices
Please be respectful of people’s time and be constructive. It is not acting in good faith to simply complain about pricing without trying to have a conversation about why. It’s just negativity for no reason.
I warned you all 10 days ago in this thread and this will be the final warning, any other bad faith behavior from anyone will see them removed from the forum.
Also, what are these comparisons.
Uploading private key is a security issue? And Mailbox.org has WKD
Thanks – is there anywhere publicly though that they claim to provide WKD support?
We searched and found https://wiki.gnupg.org/WKD#:~:text=claims%20to%20offer%20web%20key%20directory%20lookup so we’ve updated our website to show that they have WKD support – however, it’s not clear if they actually do since it’s not anywhere on their website nor does not seem like their SMTP outbound mail uses WKD.
If you refresh the page at https://forwardemail.net/en/blog/fastmail-vs-mailbox-org-email-service-comparison#:~:text=GnuPG.org%20states%20that%20it%20is%20claimed%20they%20offer%20WKD%2C%20but%20it%20is%20not%20advertised%20on%20their%20website%20currently you will see it’s been fixed as per https://github.com/forwardemail/forwardemail.net/commit/2f590b8b4f6b8acaa211e34196f48f18d7f77e1a.