F-Droid is cleaning the store from apps that introduced unwanted elements

F-Droid is doing their “Suspicious or Unwanted Software Signatures” automated scanning season Blog . It’s basically an automated checking mechanism to check if apps haven’t added unwnated elements.

From Gitlab documentation :


A list of (python) regular expressions. Binaries (e.g. APK files) will be scanned for these signatures.


  - com/demo/analytics

I do think that the fact that F-Droid is very strict on inclusion criteria is good. Versus Github where you* have no idea if the app is private.

*Except if you have substantial skills and time.


fwiw they’ve been doing this for years, they’re just continuing to expand it as they always do.


That’s good still :+1:

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They are slowly shifting the app to MD3 and I think they should redesign the website. It feels like we’re in 2015. But I guess it’s low priority or they are low on resources, mostly human resources. I would like to see that though.

I’m fine with the website redesign as long as it works without JavaScript like it does right now.