Everdo (todo app)

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Short description

A crossplatform todo/tasks/GTD application with sync.

Why I think this tool should be added

The todo/tasks space is starved for any decent private tools, especially if you’re a normal person not interested in self-hosting or working over text formats. Privacy Guides currently has none listed, despite it being a very popular type of software.

Everdo is one I recently ran into. It is focused on a the “Getting Things Done” Methodology, but if you are uninterested in that you could presumably ignore the extraneous stuff. It offers a local-network sync (pretty unique) as well a hosted E2EE (if I read it correctly) cloud sync service. You can see more here https://help.everdo.net/docs/sync/

Section on Privacy Guides

Productivity Tools

Edit: afaik Everdo is NOT open source. So I guess it doesn’t qualify for the site, but may still of interest to users here. I’d like to hear your opinions.

Very interesting. There’s indeed no end-to-end encrypted tasks app, except for Etesync which is apparently quite buggy.

The main downside for this project I can see are:

  1. Not free & open source
  2. Online sync is paid (from €17/year): Pricing - Everdo
  3. Android app only available in Play Store