Disadvantages of using email aliasing services

Everyone knows the advantages of using email aliasing services, but what are the disadvantages?

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One more service you have to trust!


That’s true unless you’re using Proton Mail with SimpleLogin or Proton Pass.

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I would argue that it is the complete opposite. With an email aliasing service, you only need to trust that one service when the alternative is to share your email address with every company/service/person and thus, you would need to trust so many more entities in that way.

What he meant is that your emails now will go through two services instead of just one.


Depending on how deep your alias system goes it can be a lot to manage. Generating a new address for every single service, for instance, quickly adds up.

I still greatly enjoy SimpleLogin and recommend it!

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email is certainly not a secure communication method. but you can enable pgp on aliasing services like simplelogin+addy.
if the concern is about lifetime of these projects, you can use a custom domain for your aliases + transfer all your aliases to another service anytime.

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There’s 0 .0001 chance I’ll move away from simplelogin because it’s a lot of work to change all email addresses.

Aliases don’t provide full anonymity, only against the respective service.