Created an example of a Threat Model

Hello, I made an example about threat modeling. That can hopefully serve as reference guide for people who are starting out on their privacy journey, I made this on a whim and would like to know your thoughts and hope this can be improved and serve the reader well.

Introducing Jane Doe. She lives in a dangerous area where burglary is a common occurrence in her neighborhood. She’s a middle class office worker with health issues. She starts to become privacy conscious as she learns and becomes informed by her colleague about privacy issues on the internet. She lists the things in her life she finds valuable and makes a threat model based on a guide she found on the internet. She ask herself these five questions:

What do you want to protect?

health information, non-sensitive browsing activity, sensitive browsing activity, electronic devices, important documents and photos.

Who do you want to protect from?

burglars, big advertising networks

How likely is it that you will need to protect it?

  • health information - HIGH
  • non-sensitive browsing activity - LOW
  • sensitive browsing activity- HIGH
  • electronic devices - MODERATE
  • important documents - HIGH
  • photos - LOW TO HIGH

Differentiated by 3 levels-(1)LOW,(2)MODERATE,(3)HIGH

How bad are the consequences if I fail?

  • health information - CATASTROPHIC
  • non-sensitive browsing activity - MINOR
  • sensitive browsing activity - MAJOR TO CATASTROPHIC
  • electronic devices - MODERATE
  • important documents - CATASTROPHIC

Differentiated by 5 levels -(1)TRIVIAL,(2)MINOR,(3)MODERATE,(4)MAJOR,(5)CATASTROPHIC

How much trouble are you willing to go through to prevent these consequences?

health information - I would like to communicate with a trusted EE2E messaging app used by trusted and reputable security researchers as I can whenever possible due to concerns from advertising networks. Based on my skill level I would like to use something user friendly.
important documents and photos- I would like to encrypt them to prevent unauthorized data if lost or stolen from burglary. Backups are made on-site and off-site.
electronic devices- Willing to enable Full-Disk Encryption to keep my data safe from unauthorized access when phone or laptop is lost or stolen from burglary.
non-sensitive browsing activity- Using privacy browsers made for different purposes. One that is non-persistent for general browsing and one that is persistent for logins.
sensitive browsing activity-Needs to use an anonymous browser and must use a live OS that uses an anonymizing network and has amnesiac properties to compartmentalize from the Host OS and to forget sensitive health related searches so that it is not stored locally on the laptop device.


After reading it looks good, but maybe requires a monetary section or warning on the list? An example would be high quality locks or security system do cost money. Privacy oriented security systems can cost quite a bit, and be mild to difficult to setup.

Certain laptops that work well with Linux, or more specifically Qubes cost money. While a lot of software can be free there are others where that is not an option such as VPNs. While it might not be a lot Mullvad/Proton do cost money.

Non-ISP routers can be expensive if you need one of higher quality with more options and usability. Safes that are not likely to be picked up and ran with tend to start in the hundreds money wise and only go up in to the thousands.

Backups in the form of short term USBs or longer term HDD if simple erasing is needed or SDD if not, or short term backup batteries so you can finish work and safely shut down your PC do, you gussed it, cost money.

Over 90% of use cases should not need any of this for what they are viewing or doing. Those that do? These all must be seriously considered along with quick destruction.

Not sure how to write that up in a way that looks nice and reads easy enough.