Can't decide on domain registrar

It’s a bit hard to find, but they do have a ToS:

3.3 Domain names are registered under the name of 1337 and not under your name, unless you specifically so request. You are aware that this means that 1337 is registered as the registered owner of the domain name. However, 1337’s position is that of a middleman and 1337 shall not have actual ownership of the domain name in relation to you. Such ownership shall vest in you from date of registration of the domain name. You may however at any time request that the registration of the domain name is transferred to you formally meaning that you will be registered as the owner of the domain name with the registry operator in question. A precondition of the transfer is, however, that you agree in writing to be bound by any agreements and terms to which 1337 is bound as a registrant of the domain name.

It says you’re in control of the domains you purchase and Njalla is just the middleman and cannot have any control over the domain. They also say they can change the terms at any time, but there isn’t really anything saying they have to inform you about it.

Overall, them hiding the ToS page from their main website (it’s not even in the sitemap!) and missing the line about informing users about updates to the ToS makes me a bit wary of them.

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