7 posts were merged into an existing topic: LineageOS vs. CalyxOS vs. DivestOS
please gents keep this on topic, your discussion does not belong here.
Had to move 20 posts… it was quite messy. See above splits to find your conversations.
This thread should be solemnly about whether to add calyx.
Practically speaking, Calyx fits the criteria and supports more device than Graphene. So whilst I think that lineage is better than Calyx, for all intents and purposes Calyx does fulfill some of the gap graphene has (device support) and thus should probably be added
I don’t really feel much for it. The only reason one should consider perhaps to use CalyxOS is if you already have one of those motorola or fairphone devices and you have no funds to buy yourself an actual secure device.
We shouldn’t recommend people to get such hardware and we already don’t.
I don’t think such edge cases are worth to be recommendations. It is really a niche that people will find their own way in if they are that dedicated to be running a custom distribution like that.
I think it bottles down to my philosophy that we should not list every option to gain privacy but rather a golden path that anyone can follow. For more advanced topics and discussions people do a deep-dive anyway and are welcome to discuss so on the forum. It is not really a recommended route lets say.
Whilst I do agree with the general sentiment, I do think that this site does still allow for some amount of compromise (eg. iOS software recommendations in general, iOS is obviously not exactly a privacy friendly system even if it’s considered secure). I think the discussion is moreso whether or not calyx fits this compromise window
I think there are two schools of thought:
- Unable to switch from/already have default stock OS. With this, some users need to do their best to secure what they have, rather than jump onto a new OS which might not be their threat model or even capability. Having a hardening guide for iOS, stock Android, Windows, MacOS, and maybe ChromeOS will help a lot of people get in a better place without sacrificing what they know.
- Willing to install their own OS. At this point, whatever is recommended should be worth the “hassle” of flashing this on their own device. This should have considerable gains in privacy/security over the stock option imo, and should have a clear distinction over other recommendations.
CalyxOS needs to be significantly better enough than stock Android and a distinct alternative, but still comparable to, to GrapheneOS.
Inclined to agree as a former-DivestOS user. I don’t hate Calyx or anything (like I think it’s still preferable to things like /e/OS) , it’s just not a significant improvement over Graphene in terms of device support and harm reduction.
Pixels are only properly available in privileged countries, good luck getting a Pixel in most of the global south