Being Abused Offline on My Device


Every time I turn on a device of mine, someone is tracking my every move. How are they able to see what I am doing on my screen? This is a new device with nothing new installed at all. The OS is Android and not a custom ROM. I have never connected to the internet or used Bluetooth. I have my internet and Bluetooth turned off. This is happening from the very first time I used my new device. They track my every move and then make fun of me online. How is this possible?

Thanks in advance for all answers given.

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What makes you think this?

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Do you have any other electronic device other than your phone ?

Is your phone still on even after shutdown that you are not aware of ?

That’s easy. When I hooked up a mouse to test the device, when I went offline, they were making fun of me how my mouse wouldn’t work the entire time it was plugged in. I have various examples to prove my claims and their identity. It’s not like I’m clueless or oblivious in any way.

This is never an issue. I always power off my devices because I know he is abusing my privacy and spying on me daily. I’m not forgetful because I can’t afford to or else he will abuse me.

Wow, this sounds serious like a serious breach…

I don’t understand how anyone can be communicating with you from the Internet if you’re correct in saying that you’re not online.

It might be worth reformatting/resetting to factory settings the Android device and start fresh?

It’s not worth using a device if its been compromised so if reformatting/resetting to factory settings doesn’t work then it’s a good idea to stop using the device and destroy it.

I’m concerned for a different reason.

Lets put it this way: can someone locally validate that you are experiencing this problem?

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I’m closing this topic because I really cannot tell if this is just trolling or real or a mental health issue.

@ConcernedVictim it’s probably best you ask for help from local friends/relatives/the police.