Banking not recommended on mobiles phones 2023?

Pending a switch to GrapheneOS, I found a thread on r/privacyguides with this statement from a user whose alias I have seen a lot: “and as for the banking thing… is only JUST been started to be recommended in 2023 to stop using banking apps on your phones.”

What is this all about? Who is recommending and why? For security reasons or privacy?

The subreddits are poorly moderated. Banking apps make much more sense than the websites since they’re sandboxed better. This is especially important when it’s your bank info on the line.

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It’s fine to do that - using a banking app and the 2FA for your bank on the same device is not optimal, though.

In order to use e-banking I have to use mobile app for authorizations and confirmations. Even online payments usually have to be confirmed from the app. So you basically must have android or iphone. Though I didn’t expect it to work on LineageOS, so that’s a plus. But for such cases (previous bank, some government service app, etc.) I have an old phone which I barely use it, and don’t carry it with me

With a lot of banks nowadays eliminating web interfaces and leaving phone apps as the only option, should we just do all our banking by phone??

I will do you one better - Banking on browser on mobile.


Bankvault is the way to go whether mobile, notebook or desktop.