March 2, 2023, 8:55am
opened 12:02AM - 07 Feb 23 UTC
closed 08:00AM - 27 Jul 23 UTC
## :green_square: v114
[FF114 release notes](… 114.0/releasenotes/)
[FF114 for developers](
[FF114 security advisories](
there isn't a v114 release, nothing changed
## :green_square: v113
[FF113 release notes](
[FF113 for developers](
[FF113 security advisories](
there isn't a v113 release, nothing changed
## :green_square: v112
date: 5-May-2023
[FF112 release notes](
[FF112 for developers](
[FF112 security advisories](
v112 was just cosmetic changes
- [all changes](
- [ToDo: diffs FF110-FF111]( issue
- v112 PR is at #1654
## :green_square: v111
date: 30-March-2023
[FF111 release notes](
[FF111 for developers](
[FF111 security advisories](
- [all changes](
- [ToDo: diffs FF110-FF111]( issue
- v111 PR is at #1650
- new in user.js v111
// user_pref("", false);
## :green_square: v110
date: 12-March-2023
[FF110 release notes](
[FF110 for developers](
[FF110 security advisories](
v110 was just cosmetic changes
- [all changes](
- [ToDo: diffs FF109-FF110]( issue
- v110 PR is at #1629
## :green_square: v109
date: 7-February-2023
[FF109 release notes](
[FF109 for developers](
[FF109 security advisories](
@kewiha and @earthlng added an unattended flag in prefsCleaner.bat - thanks :pizza: :beers:
- see #1616
:star: your friendly reminder to run prefsCleaner

- [all changes](
- [ToDo: diffs FF108-FF109]( issue
- v109 PR is at #1614
- removed in user.js v109 (in section 6050 for prefsCleaner)
- see #1618 - thanks @partingscientist
// user_pref("browser.startup.blankWindow", "");
- made inactive in user.js v109 (moved to section 5000 for optional hardening)
- for popup events see #1609 - thanks @emphoeller
// user_pref("browser.pagethumbnails.capturing_disabled", true);
// user_pref("dom.popup_allowed_events", "click dblclick mousedown pointerdown");
STATS v109: up to and including section 4500, minus the parrots
total: 184
inactive: 44
active: 140
default: 23 (at least)
n/a: 2 (of the four prefs in 0202, at most only two will apply)
flipped: 115 (at most)
“At some stage, arkenfox will cease to be updated, maybe by the end of this ESR’s EOL - I’m tracking (and soon to be part of, kinda already am TBH - will be granted access shortly) something elsewhere I think will replace this - not going to discuss it, so don’t ask. But at the rate of change here, AF is nearing EOL too (but I won’t leave it without a successor)”
This ESR is EOL end of may?
Maybe time to check out a different browser than firefox?
(Daniel Gray)
March 2, 2023, 9:38am
What they mean is there’s very little to change, as each revision it’s closer to the standard of what Mozilla has set. It also says:
something elsewhere I think will replace this - not going to discuss it, so don’t ask. But at the rate of change here, AF is nearing EOL too (but I won’t leave it without a successor)