Secure PDF by Graphene OS requires at least the version 119 of WebView to work.
The current version of WebView on my device is below, yet, when I try to update WebView via Aurora Store, I’m prompted to install the “Trichrome Library” package. It appears that Trichrome isn’t an application but a system process.
Is it possible to truth this ?
Either your OS is broken or you broke it.
Could you tell me which device and OS you’re using?
Uodating webview via aurora is a 2 part process, first it will update trichrome, after that it will update the webview.
Device : Nokia 2.4
OS : 12 (last Android security update : 10/2023)
Moreover, some concerns about Trichrome Library have ever been discussed here (GrapheneOS Discussion Forum)…
Any suggestion ?
So, what’s the purpose of Trichrome Library ?