Why Lulu or Little Snitch is not recommended?

Why are Lulu or Little Snitch not included in Privacy Guides’ tools page, as Michael Bazzell suggests they are important for taking privacy further on proprietary OS’s like macOS?

They are still great apps to use for what they do and provide. Just because an app is not recommended doesn’t by default mean it is bad. They are still reputable apps that work well. Just know that.

But I guess they are not recommended here is likely because they do not pass the many thresholds PG sets for privacy apps.

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Vote and share your thoughts if you want it to be added.

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There is a ongoing discussion of Little Snitch here that may provide insight.

With some discussion of Lulu as well.

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The LS thread reads like it or even both would be added as a recommendation but it still hasn’t? Not complaining just curious as to the hold up.

I’m more curious as to why Little Snitch or LuLu is often recommended (not here, but overall on the web) but something that hooks into the native pf firewall like Murus is not.

My best guess is that people don’t know about it. Even I didn’t. Thanks for sharing.

Is this the one you’re talking about? I ask because you didn’t link it.

Yes, that’s the one. Apologies for not linking.
Never used it. Murus (and Vallum) just came up back when I was considering macOS. Seemed well regarded amongst people on netsec forums and subreddits.

Unless they are tagged with a decision, its still just in the discussion phase. Since the thread isn’t super active (no responses in 6+ months) and doesn’t have a lot of votes, it is likely not a huge priority for the staff to decide upon.