I’ve been using MS365 for a long time for my mental health practice. I am trying to move away from big tech (except for Apple, which I am deeply embedded in and can’t get out of without considerable effort).
My needs are:
Privacy respecting. Of course I’d like my email to be private and safe through zero knowledge encryption, but I think I’m more concerned with the company’s overall stance on privacy and security.
Email, calendar, tasks/to do and drive, though I am open to separate privacy focused services too.
Reasonable support by people who know their service
Good deliverability so emails don’t end up in people’s spam.
Preferably open standards and open source, though that’s not an absolute requirement.
I’ve tried these so far:
Mailbox.org . Like it a lot and it ticks most boxes for me, but it feels stagnant when I look at their user forum, as though the company really doesn’t have any ambition to improve the service. With that said, it worked really well when I was trialling it. I’d like a nicer interface, but everything felt solid, except for the video conferencing service. I use Zoom anyway, but will leave that if/when a good open source alternative becomes available.
Proton . I like it, but it’s another ecosystem. And the recent statements by their CEO makes me not want to use them. It shows really poor judgment and a lack of attunement to his customers and to the dangers posed by the new administration to the US and the world. He’s entitled to his opinion, but it makes me trust Proton less. I left Go Daddy when their CEO posted a picture of himself and a beautiful but dead lion he had killed, so these things matter to me.
Zoho . This seemed like a good like for like replacement for MS365, but it’s just so sloppily put together and their lack of attention to detail and quality makes me not trust them to do the really important things correctly. So no.
Infomaniak . I’m using them now and really like their service and it’s very complete, including Onlyoffice, but their customer support takes a week or longer to respond. I want to feel that they have my back if something goes wrong and I don’t think they do. I haven’t used their telephone support – would like to hear other people’s experience of that. Nothing has gone wrong, but when I had questions there was nobody to answer them. When they finally answered, my follow up question was not answered even after 8 more days. I figured it out myself, but there may be times when I can’t.
Fastmail . Seems great – fast, smooth and really nice interface, unbelievably fast service when I had questions. They don’t have a task manager/to do list, which I would like since I will otherwise need to buy another service. And I don’t like that they’re Australian and have their servers in the US.
Forwardemail.net. This would be a very different approach. I’ve been testing their service and really like the idea and the sense of freedom it provides, though I do think they are a bit too aggressive in promoting themselves. I would use them for email and calendar, and then have other services for drive and tasks/to do. I looked at the thread here and was impressed with their answers to hard questions. Can I trust them though?
I understand that I can’t have everything, but have spent way too much time trying services and over-thinking it all. At the moment, I want to focus on reliability, privacy and support and am curious what others’ experience with these companies has been. Any guidance on how to think about the above? At some level they all seem ok, but I don’t have the ability to evaluate the technology and there are so many differing views on all these services. Thanks for any thoughts you have!