This Week in Privacy [Weekly Blog Trial]

Inspired by This Week in Matrix and This Week in F-Droid, I was thinking about Privacy Guides putting together a weekly blog based on community contributions. Basically every week we’d open a forum post for people to submit suggestions, and then every Sunday I’d put together a short blog post based on categories like this:

  • Privacy Guides Updates
  • New Recommendations
  • Privacy News Around the World
  • Community News

Basically just a low-effort, high-impact(?) way to keep privacy on people’s minds between updates or major news stories. I’m thinking we can try it out for a month or so and then see if we feel like it has an impact or want to continue doing it.


So our first update could be on the 10th and look something like this:

Privacy Guides Updates

  • We’re looking into budget Android hardware more closely. We all know Pixels are the way to go, but they can be tricky to find with a <$200 budget. Are there any good options in this space? We’re not sure, this discussion is ongoing on our forum: ~$150 Budget Android Hardware [Suggestions Needed] (submitted by @jonah)

New Recommendations

Privacy News

Community News

And then in the future, creating these posts will be even easier because people can submit topics specifically for this weekly newsletter.


In favour of this, but would also like to have some feedback on 13741


Given general approval in our Matrix room I’m moving this topic to Site Development for general community feedback.

And if there’s anything else you think we should add to our first weekly post, you can leave a suggestion here too.

Maybe this is silly but, is there a way to get an rss feed of this?

typically I wouldn’t want forum stuff as a feed but update / blog stuff I love


The blog already has RSS yes :+1:


With MBazell gone, my weekly dose of privacy news/opinions audio podcast is now open. :eyes:

(not that I think this series is really a replacement for his show, although… idk, I also never listened to his show either haha)


I got into this whole mess because of him. Then he closed his forums. IIRC I learned of this site from their forum (back when it was still the original PT).

His topics dried up and it kind of became lonely when it was a one man show. Banter is almost always valued especially if its insightful, witty, and sometimes funny.

The best days in my eyes, were in the early days when Justin Carroll was cohosting the podcast. I really enjoyed the dynamic the two of them had. Much preferred it to Michael on his own, despite them getting more wrong back then, and being a bit less technically informed, that was still my favorite era, and I really enjoyed the longform interviews with notable people in the privacy space.

If you haven’t already, I’d suggest you check out ‘the opt out podcast’

I’m looking forward to listening. Audio is my one of my favorite ways to stay informed.

What niche do you intend to fill with this podcast? How do you see this fitting between the other information streams you publish or contribute to (e.g. the PG website, Techlore talks, etc)?

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I don’t know, for the next month we’ll be publishing these updates on the blog and live on YouTube, and then we’ll see how it goes from there. There’s often a few interesting topics related to whatever I’m working on with Privacy Guides which I can’t discuss on Techlore Talks, and don’t warrant a standalone video like the VPN+Tor one on my channel… stuff like talking about the advantages of an extension like uBlock Origin Lite, for example.

I don’t expect I’ll find anyone who can co-host these weekly shows, so I’ll just be experimenting to see if it’s even interesting at all.

I see PG as guides/recommendations, TT as an opinion show, and this show as news, basically.

The show will basically just be re-hashing topics like these in audio format though, nothing too fancy beyond that. Probably.

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what time will you stream again? (also TZ as well)

Maybe get a co-host? Are there any other non-camera shy members from the team?

Hopefully 9:00 PM - Finding a regular co-host is looking very unlikely, but we’ll see.


I was just beginning to refresh my memory on the broader topic of Manifest V2 and V3 (beyond Google’s misuse of MV3). Pros/cons of V3, as well as differences between Google, Apple, and Mozilla’s approach to it. If you have read up on this, I would enjoy hearing your thoughts about Manifest V3 broadly, either as part of the uBOL video or on its own.

nooooo I was saying I won’t be making a standalone uBOL video :laughing:

Maybe I’ll talk about it on the stream tomorrow though when I talk about why we are adding uBOL to the site recommendations. I also posted 4 replies to this thread in Techlore’s community about MV3 if you want to read, but this’ll basically be what I cover in the stream.


will really enjoy this, thank you.

I’m watching your latest Techlore Talks right now and I must say, you should probably wishlist for a fancier microphone for Christmas :sweat_smile:

You should probably copy what Henry is doing with his setup, particularly his audio processing/post-processing. There are times where your voice is clear but it sort of clips(?) when you are talking louder.

Hey listen, Henry does all the audio processing and editing for that show :joy:

edit: oh actually yeah the audio on the last episode was pretty bad, I’ve been having a lot of problems with my setup lol

:man_facepalming: As I recently reminded myself and everyone else in another thread:

I had no idea PG has a blog. It’s been added to my rss.