TB/MB should add another security level that only disables JIT and WASM

Kind of a random thought, but Safer in MB/TB still makes browsing fairly inconvenient. There should be another security level that only disables the highest risk features in the browser, JIT and WASM. I know adding more levels creates additional “pockets” of users which is bad, but it would also allow more people to not use Standard which is better for the users’ security

I thought they are in Safer setting?

safer disables other features that break more things and don’t present a security risk as big as JIT/WASM


It will be more convenient if security level toggles are available on per site basis.

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JIT should be disabled on the Standard level.

The more levels they offer, the more their base fragments and the smaller is the pool of users to prevent fingerprint. But I totally get your concern, complex issue overall :frowning:

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I thought about this, but it would break someone’s usecase and therefore shouldn’t be done imo. The only sensible thing to do is to add another level, in my opinion