Skiff Mail (Email Provider)

Thanks for checking on this, it’s really helpful! Couple notes:

  • We haven’t published the full audit report. This is consistent in the industry - for example, Proton Mail does not publish full audit reports, but documentation that the audit was complete. This is exactly what we’ve done as well.
  • We’re using Sendgrid to unsubscribe from the product updates right now. We’re actually switching it to an in-app toggle button this week.
  • I know we need many more languages - it takes a lot of time, but we are committed to doing it soon.
  • Anything in particular you are wondering about external content proxying? You can see it via network requests, but happy to ask our engineering team.

We are committed to making Skiff the best and most private email provider. I completely understand the frustration above creates more tension in this discussion than is necessary. The frustration on our part is not from the feedback - that part we benefit a lot from and can improve. The frustration comes from misleading or incorrect criteria. Check out the first post, where we actually went from this GitHub discussion (Skiff mail · privacyguides/ · Discussion #1363 · GitHub) to make a ton of improvements to be ready for PrivacyGuides because it’s very reputable.

So, after a year of making improvements and satisfying the criteria, it’s demoralizing to feel like the criteria change on every post, or that we are treated with different criteria (check out one comment on Notesnook (Evernote Alternative) - #46 by TorLover9 as an example). We have been coming at every conversation with good faith, but it takes so much time to deal with changing criteria or assumptions of bad faith.