I got that notification about making additional security decisions, So should i active any of those?
And is there any open source alternative?
I think that they are not super privacy invasive and that if your device support them, it means that you already have some Play Services on your phone so you already trust Google a bit. And they seem to be a quite great security feature to not let thefts access your data if robbed when unlocked
I would enable both of those options.
You are already in the Google ecosystem, so why not?
You got that on a stock android, right?
You can’t get that on anything else.
No, these settings are also shown with Sanboxed Google Play in GrapheneOS
Just because these settings are available, it doesn’t mean that they work.
I believe Theft Protection is not available on GrapheneOS. I can’t find it anywhere at least.
That’s why I said that they were
and not that
Settings, apps, sandboxed Google play, Google settings
True Lock device based on movement · Issue #207 · GrapheneOS/os-issue-tracker · GitHub
It’s one of the few high priority feature requests